Acuarellas De España


Meet Fermin Lopez, Avila, Spain

My newest favorite artist instructor on YouTube is Fermin Lopez. I love the ease with which he paints and his voice is very soothing. What may be difficult for some is that the instruction is in Spanish! I’m not fluent, but I can understand most of what he says and am learning more each time I watch.
His website includes links to videos and online instruction. He lives in the north of Spain, Avila. You can follow him on Facebook, too.
The videos I enjoy most are “poco a poco”, literally “little by little,” but here it means “step by step.” He does some paintings with only three colors and there is a excellent video tutorial on how to match any local color in only three steps. Written instructions for how to are included on his website.
Here is the first one I attempted using only three colors – Ultramarine, Raw Sienna, and Burnt Sienna.

Second Lesson

The second painting I did from his videos was entitled “Facil, Simple, Rapido” Easy, Simple, Fast. It was an excellent study in graduated washes, shadows and simple painting.

Here is a glossary of Spanish art and painting terms.